
The HSU campus post office is located in the Moody Center basement. It is our goal to provide efficient and accurate mail service to the university and surrounding community and to provide you with information about various mailing services.


校园邮局提供美国邮政的许多服务.S. 邮政服务,包括购买邮票和汇票, 特快专递及特快专递服务, 认证及保险邮件服务及包裹邮寄. 我们也提供UPS包裹和UPS隔夜邮寄服务. 目前这个办公室不接受联邦快递服务的付款, however we do serve as a collection point (mailing point) for all packages bearing prepaid labels regardless the carrier.

我们接受现金、支票或收费(100万美元). 然而, because this office is a federal post office, Cowboy Cash cannot be accepted as payment.





U.S. 邮政服务邮费计算器


U.S. 邮政服务邮编查找器


325-670-1315 or

周一至周五:上午8点.m. – 5 p.m.

周一至周五:上午8点.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.


  • 有或没有回执的挂号信
  • 国内保险邮件
  • 隔夜快件或2至3天优先邮件
  • 跟踪和签名确认
  • 钱的订单
  • 更改地址表格
  • 包装用品和帮助
  • UPS在一夜之间
  • UPS商业和住宅服务
  • 所有运营商预付套餐的取/落点

邮局随时为您服务. 如果你有什么问题的话, 对…的关注, 或者是抱怨, 我强烈建议你跟我谈谈. 你建设性的批评总是受欢迎的.

Post office 盒子es are located in the Moody Center and are available to all registered and pre-registered students. All students living in a residence hall are required to have a campus mail盒子.


HSU Box _ _ _ _ _

邮编:_ _ _ _ _,山核桃街2200号

我怎么得到P.O. 盒子?
Mail盒子es are usually assigned right before the Fall semester in August. The post office manager will then notify each student through HSU email with his/her 盒子 assignment and combination for access.

Look for a message from 卡莉·海登 with the subject HSU MAILBOX ASSIGNMENT. 检查你的垃圾邮件文件夹. 如果你还没有接到作业,请联系. 海登在 卡莉.hayden@ag-edg.com.


校园邮件是指任何入学的HSU学生发送的邮件, 校友, 教师, 或工作人员寄给HSU学生, 教师/职员, 组织, 或者是负责校园邮箱的部门.


  • Mail must be at least 3 ½ x 5 inches in size and should be placed in the “Campus Mail” slot at the post office.
  • 仅限不易腐烂的物品
  • 无需邮资
  • 绝对不允许商业广告.
  • 不用邮寄现金吗! Mailroom employees will not be held responsible for cash sent through federal or campus mail.




仅供参考:来自学生手册的信息. 34
You are welcome to have a campus mail盒子 as long as you are enrolled at HSU. 然而, 如果你因为任何原因需要关闭你的盒子, you must submit a change of address to the HSU 邮局 to get your mail forwarded.

The HSU 邮局 receives all mail and packages from all couriers. 没有东西会送到学生宿舍. For this reason, all mail should be addressed to include your HSU 盒子 number. Should you receive a package, a notice will be placed in your 盒子.

Mail from a student’s 盒子 cannot be released to someone else unless the occupant has signed a statement requesting such release.

学生不能共用邮箱, with the exception of married couples and members of the same family.

If you need to change your mail盒子 placement for any reason, please see the post office manager.

重要提示:不要通过USPS或校园邮件发送现金. Our employees will not be held responsible for lost cash in the mail.

Mail盒子es for the 大学广场公寓 are located in the mail pavilion on the Southwest corner of the UP lot (the corner of Vogel and Cypress.) You may receive your mail at the UP pavilion or at you campus mail盒子 in the Moody Center but it is recommended that you choose one location and stay with that address.


1哈丁·西蒙斯大学(harding Simmons University)这里的电话号码)

For instance, if 莫莉布朗 lives in building 3 apt 104, her address is:


邮局经理保管UP帐户的钥匙.  You may check out your mail盒子 key at the Moody Center post office. 当你搬家时,把钥匙还给邮局, 确保你的名字从问责表上删除. Please remember, the person who signs for the key is responsible for its return. 有25美元的退票费.

What if I have a package that is too large to fit in my UP mail盒子?
There are parcel lockers along the bottom of the mail盒子 units in the mail pavilion. Large packages are placed inside these lockers and the key to the locker is placed inside your mail盒子.  一旦你用钥匙打开储物柜,它就会留在锁里. Each key has an instruction tag that identifies which parcel locker your package is in.

Packages too large for the parcel lockers remain at the campus post office and a purple notice of its arrival is placed in your mail盒子.

问题? 联系夫人. 海登在 卡莉.hayden@ag-edg.com.

Postage-free flyer privileges are granted to University departments or 组织s to promote University sponsored events. 另外, area Christian churches are allowed one flyer per long semester only to give information on worship times or promote a free event that supports the well-being of our students.

  1. 传单必须得到邮局管理部门的批准.
  2. Only University sponsored events can be promoted, churches excluded.

邮件大约在上午9:30到达,通常在上午11点寄出.m. 我们大部分的货都是在早上收到的. UPS的地面快递通常在下午到达. When you receive a package, you’ll also receive a purple notice in your 盒子. If you receive carrier notification that your package has arrived, please allow 30 minutes processing time before you check your mail盒子 for the purple notice card.

We receive deliveries from all carriers (USPS, UPS, FEDEX, LONE STAR, etc.),而且他们只把邮件送到校园邮局. 发送邮件或包裹时, it is important to include the student’s mail盒子 number on the item in order to avoid delay in notifying the student of its arrival. 像这样处理邮件:

HSU Box _ _ _ _ _


邮编:_ _ _ _ _,山核桃街2200号


If you are expecting a package that you feel should’ve already been here:

  • 从寄件人那里查清楚是由哪个快递员发送的.
  • 查一下它是否有快递单号以及单号是什么.
  • Call 670-1321 and I’ll be happy to track it for you or find other avenues of locating it.

所有即将毕业的学生, 转移, or not returning to HSU for any reason are required to close out their campus or apartment mail盒子 before the end of finals week of their final semester. To do so, please visit the 邮局 to fill out a Notice to forward Mail form. 我们建议您在USPS上填写地址变更表.Com以及更改您的订阅地址(例如.e.、亚马逊、首页 Chef、IPSY、Chegg等.).

大学公寓邮箱, please bring your key back to the campus 邮局 and fill out a Notice to Forward Mail form. 如果不这样做,将导致25美元的拒退费. 把钥匙交给R.A. at check-out, as they are not responsible for bringing the keys to the 邮局. 钥匙是你自己的责任.

想要关闭邮箱的教职员工, please come to the 邮局 to complete a Notice to Forward Mail form.